The World - Comprehensive Map of the World and Beyond

Properties: A Map of the World and Universe
Languages: English
Format: Digital, 24000 * 18000 pixels, JPG
Purpose: The Comprehensive World Map is created to provide an exhaustive and unbiased view of the world to the viewers. Instead of providing only countries and cities, this world map provided natural, hydrological, transport, and many other elements for viewers. It is my first individual project using ArcGIS Pro and QGIS softwares. Original version was final project of Introduction to Cartography course.
Tools: QGIS, ArcGIS Pro, Paint.NET


How to show the actual landscape to the viewers? Unlike setting colors according to the elevation, I used symbolized land cover layer with 50% transparency on another Natural Earth Database layer.
Major Design decisions: In many other maps of the world, they generalize transportation lines and delete most of the transportation lines in Europe, the U.S., and East Asia to achieve the balance of the map. However, I preserved all major transportation lines such as railroads and highways in order to achieve an unbiased perspective which means an uneven development of the world to the viewers.


• Copy is preserved at Library of Congress, Washington D.C., United States
• Most Ambitious Award, U-Spatial Mapping Prize, University of Minnesota, 06/2021
• Arthur Robinson Print Map Award - Honorable Mention, Cartography and Geography Info. Society, 04/2021
• Presented in North American Cartographic Information Society (NACIS) Annual Conference 2021.
